dream: AC22

May 19-20, 2022

Northgate FMC
8160 Bank St. Rd
Batavia, NY  14020

We hope you’ve already registered!
If you haven’t registered and would like to attend, please reach out to David Francis at dave@genesisfmc.com.

Who should attend? All Elders, Ordained, Licensed Pastors serving in the local church, CMCs, and delegates are expected to attend.

Elders serving in special appointments, retired Elders, and other leaders are welcome.


Thursday, May 19

9:00 Registration open
10:00 Organization of Annual Conference
10:15 Worship & Prayer Service
11:30 LUNCH
12:30 Afternoon Session
– Nominating Committee Reports
– BOA Report
– MEG Report
– Memoir and Retiree Recognition
– Conference Deacon Consecration
7:00 Ordination Service
9:00 Adjourn

Friday, May 20

8:50 Call to Order
10:00 Workshop 1
10:45 Workshop 2
11:30 Workshop 3
12:15 LUNCH
1:15 Time with Field Superintendent
— There will be a room for those appointed outside a Genesis church
2:10 Afternoon Session
3:30 Adjourn

Friday Workshops

10:00 – Workshop 1

A Taste of Alpha
The Alpha Course is a great way to introduce people to Jesus. Marshal Braman (Supt Pam’s husband) will be feeding you (an important part of the course) and showing the first video, followed by Q&A (Marshal & Pam have hosted Alpha many times).

Set Free Small Group
Tedd Smith will lead this workshop on using Kevin Austin’s book: Set Free- Guide to pursuing liberation in an age of bondage as a means get people to connect with your community and consider what you can do to put an end to human trafficking in your region and around the world.

Multiply Credentialed Leaders
Jen Westervelt and Joe Wickman have seen a high number of people in their churches hear and follow a call to ministry. With Cindi Newman, MEG board chair, and Katrina Wilkins, MEG coordinator, they will be discussing how to multiply leaders who are called into ministry. 

“Look At What the Spirit is Up To!”
Bishop Linda Adams, Dodi McIntyre, David Prince, and Joel Shue will share how they’ve seen and experienced the Holy Spirit in their churches.

Freedom from Shame & Trauma, Part 1
How do you work through your own shame and trauma? How do you help others who have experienced it? (Particularly in a time in history when many are experiencing trauma of one sort or another). This double-length workshop will be led by Greg Harp, Executive Director at Agape Counseling Associates. 

Your Body: A Door to New Possibilities
We’re not just mind and soul. God designed the human body to work integrally with the human spirit and God-inspired creativity. Come explore together ways to utilize some of these God-given capacities of your physical body to enhance your creativity and nurture more awareness of God’s invitations in your life. NES Professor Rebecca Letterman will lead this workshop.

Stories of multiplication. Roger Haskins will be telling you about some of the amazing things the Lord is doing in unexpected places in Asia. 

For delegates
Do you wonder what the “job” of a delegate is? Elaine Southard has been a delegate for a number of years, and her pastor Mike Kuhlkin says she’s been an excellent one. Come hear both Elaine and Mike talk about what makes an excellent delegate.

10:45 – Workshop 2

Finding People of Peace
Ever feel like you are working hard to connect with people outside the church, but getting nowhere? What if you learned a Bible-based way to look for people who are open to God and the message you have? Roberta Mosier-Peterson will be leading this workshop.

Dreaming of Beloved Community
How does Jubilee inform our understanding of justice? And, how does that influence the ways we participate in discipling the way Jesus did? Marissa Mattox Heffernan, Director of the Genesis Justice Network, will lead this workshop on how to integrate justice as we disciple people.

Launch a Campus
There’s a town not too far away from you that needs a church. What if your church launched a campus in that town? Join a team from One Church on how to do just that! Brian Hahn is the Executive Pastor and Kevin Weigel & Jeannette Wagner are campus pastors. One Church’s most recent campus launched on Easter Sunday with 137 in attendance.

Working it Through
Joel Shue, Dodi McIntyre, and David Prince will be talking about: what happens when being open to the Holy Spirit is messy? How do you handle it? Discussion will include: tongues in a service, “prophetic words” that don’t seem to be from the Lord, and times when God does not heal (after seeing healing).

Freedom from Shame & Trauma, Part 2

Using Art to Dream
How using your imagination and creative skill to activate communion with God can open your soul to Scripture, Holy Spirit, and dreaming again.  Come prepared to sketch, draw, or color in a guided time of creative communion with our Father in Heaven. Dan Walker will be leading this workshop, not as a skilled artist, but as someone who has found this helpful during seasons where words seemed inadequate or unavailable.

Partner in Senegal
Mike Kulkin will be giving an update on the Genesis work in Senegal, and how your church can partner with one of our pastors and churches there.

Genesis Conference & You
Dave  Francis (Genesis Operations) & Honna Curtis (Genesis Finances) & Rachel Anderson (Conference Treasurer) will introduce you to how we can work with you on legal and financial matters. We’re here to help!


11:30 – Workshop 3

Dream of New Believers
(in your Sunday service)
New Life Oneonta had 17 people newly give their lives to Jesus on Easter Sunday. EPIC had 27! Come hear from these pastors (Joel Shue, Mark Rouse, Christel Arslanian) about how they approached this (in different ways). 

Freedom In Christ
Dodi McIntyre will be leading this workshop on using the Freedom in Christ material in a Small Group to help people find personal, spiritual freedom from whatever had “bound” them in the past.

The Multiplying Dream in Genesis 
What does it look like for our Conference to multiply? Come hear a bit more about Pam Braman’s Genesis dream, and participate in a discussion and brainstorming session.

God Speaks Through Dreams in Your Sleep
Ever wake up from a dream and wonder if the Lord was trying to say something… or if you just ate pizza too late? Cindi Newman will lead this workshop that will help you discern. 

Freedom from Church Strongholds
Does it ever feel like no matter what you do in the local church to be on the mission of God, there’s a wall that keeps you from seeing fruit? You may be facing a spiritual stronghold in your church. Todd Daningburg and Colleen Dick, pastors at Pearce Church, lead this workshop.

Retirement: Outside the Box & On Mission
People think about retiring to a life of leisure. But what if the Lord has much more? If you are retired or thinking about your future retirement, come hear Roger Haskins about thinking of retirement in a new, intentional, way. 

Our Global Church
Gerry Coates will be giving you updates on our global multiplication movement (including what’s happening in places we can’t publicize due to the people there being in danger for believing in Jesus). 

GC23: What’s it got to do with me?
Perhaps you’ve just been elected as a delegate. Or you have no idea what a “General Conference” is. Perhaps you have a resolution you want to write or a nomination for a bishop you want to make. Joe Wickman and Adam Stein will be talking about what happens at General Conference, how you can play a part ahead of time, and the timeline for all of that as well.