We are a worldwide family of churches (a denomination), over a million strong.
Our values are articulated in the Free Methodist Way which includes:
- God-Given Revelation
- The Bible is foundational for faith and life.
- Jesus offers His new life to all who will receive
- The Holy Spirit is active today and guides each follower of Jesus and His Church
- Life-Giving Holiness
- God calls us to live a new, transformed life as we follow Jesus (holy and whole)
- Love-Driven Justice
- God calls us to be agents of change in our world (social justice)
- God calls and gifts both women and men to all levels of leadership (we ordain women and are egalitarian)
- Cross-Cultural Collaboration
- We believe all people are equally created in the image of God, regardless of race, ethnicity, economic status, & gender
- Christ-Compelled Multiplication
- We believe that the natural outcome of a life of discipleship will result in a multiplication of believers, disciples, ministries, and churches.
We are connectional.
We are connected in community to one another. Both clergy and non-clergy (“laity”) participate in ministry and leadership. The local church and pastor(s) is (are) responsible to the regional Conference, which in turn is responsible to the national denomination. We submit to one another.
We have freedom on styles of worship as well as local church structure. The Genesis Conference has highly contemporary mega-churches, missional churches, small traditional rural churches, charismatic churches, liturgical churches… and everything in between.