Schedule for Annual Conference
Thursday, May 16
12:45 – Pre-Conference Prayer (open to all)
2:00 Opening Worship and Prayer
2:10 Annual Conference Business begins
4:15 “RISE: Wake Up”, Supt. Pam Braman
5:00 Dinner (provided for all who register)
7:00 Ordination Service, Bishop David Roller
9:00 Adjourn
Friday, May 17
7:30 AM Registration/Fellowship/Continental Breakfast
8:45 Morning Worship
9:00 Devotions with Bishop David Roller
9:40 “RISE: Get Up”, Supt. Pam Braman
10:15 Workshops 1
11:15 Workshops 2
Noon – 1:15 Lunch Break (provided for all who register)
1:15 Workshops 3
2:15 Recognition & Prayer for Bishop Roller
2:30 “RISE: Move Out”, Supt. Pam Braman
2:55 Prayer for General Conference 2019 and Genesis GC19 Delegates
3:15 Closing Worship
3:30 Adjourn and Depart
Information for Annual Conference
AC19 Booklet: Part 1 – Agenda & Conference Reports
AC 19 Booklet: Part 2 – Genesis Conference Financials
Friday Workshops
“Property Brothers & Sisters”
Dave Francis
A practical exercise outlining the process of buying and selling property in Genesis Conference
“How to Keep Your Pastor”
Supt. Pam Braman
A discussion of the “job description” of the Delegate and helpful information for lay people on how to care for their pastors
“Church Planting: Launch Large”
Troy Bassett, Rick Rouse
Have questions on what it takes to plant a church? It may be easier than you thought. Find out the steps to take to plant a church in our conference
“Go & Make Disciples… Connecting the Dots”
Mark Rouse, Dan Walker, Colleen Dick
Explore 7 key links to going and making disciples within different ministry contexts.
“Walking Through the Ordination Process”
Gloria Roorda, Cindi Newman
You’ve got an LMC…now what? The Pastor’s role in the Journey from LMC to Ordination is an amazing opportunity to impact our world for Christ!
“Church Evaluation Process”
Pam Washburn, Todd Daningburg, Megan Head
In this workshop we will present the goal, steps & timeline; data usage & next steps; an example from Valley Chapel; Q & A Open to all, but reps from the 2019-20 eval group are expected
“Engaging Social Media”
Nate Lesher
You know that social media should be a part of your church experience in engaging your people and the community. The question is, with limited resources how does your church adopt a social media strategy that’s not only efficient but also effective? Come find out.
“Reaching Youth with Volunteer Leaders”
Mike Kuhlkin
Ministry for many of us is changing. Churches like businesses are being expected to do more with less, this however is not a road-block but an opportunity to empower and deploy our greatest asset – volunteers. We will look at how to effectively Recruit, Train, and Employ volunteers to minister to our teens.
11:15 – Noon
Dave Francis
Creating an emergency action plan for your local church
“Membership Class”
Jim LaBarr, Jen Westervelt, Vern Saile
If the church is a body with many members that belong to one another—how do you help people become members? Could your process use a tune up? A session of practical tips and strategies.
“Church Development Network Round Table”
Howard Olver, Pam Washburn
“Elevate Leadership: An Introduction”
Rick Rouse
What if creating new momentum in your church or breaking a growth barrier was as simple as doing some SMALL THINGS that make a BIG DIFFERENCE? The tips, topics and strategy we share will be scalable regardless of the size of your church.
“Walking Through the Ordination Process”
Gloria Roorda, Cindi Newman
You’ve got an LMC…now what? The Pastor’s role in the Journey from LMC to Ordination is an amazing opportunity to impact our world for Christ!
“Foundational Thoughts on Outreach to the LGBTQ+ Community”
Supt. Pam Braman
What are the things we need to consider and need to talk about as we reach out to the LGBTQ+ community?
“Church Partnerships”
Todd Daningburg
When a friend is in trouble, you help in any way you can. What about a sister church in need? Church partnerships transform struggling churches. Learn how.
“Groups! Cultivating a Connection Culture”
Marsha Rivers, Marissa Schweiger
Scripture urges us to “not give up meeting together” — timeless advice for our time-crunched culture. Technology, creativity, and innate longing for authentic community can help us overcome obstacles to group participation.
“Church Finances: Healthy Financial Systems”
Honna Curtis
A review of some of the basics to increase understanding of internal controls, income statement & balance sheet, and some key ratios or guidelines when it comes to church finances… and why these all matter, anyway.
“Church Evaluation Process”
Pam Washburn, Todd Daningburg, Megan Head
In this workshop we will present the goal, steps & timeline; data usage & next steps; an example from Valley Chapel; Q & A Open to all, but reps from the 2019-20 eval group are expected
“New Forms of Church Planting: Round Table”
Supt. Pam Braman
“Go & Make Disciples… Connecting the Dots”
Mark Rouse, Dan Walker, Colleen Dick
Explore 7 key links to going and making disciples within different ministry contexts.
“Things They Never Taught Me in Seminary”
Dodi McIntyre, Louis Colon, Merry Kendall, Howard Olver
Whether you are a pastor who wants to laugh and cry with others, or a lay person who wants to hear stories of some of what pastors face, or a Ministerial Candidate who wants to prepare for what is ahead… this is a workshop where you can laugh and cry at the stories of others, but know that in the end, God is in control.
“Igniting Prayer in Your Church”
Henry Ausby
Explore effective prayer through Scriptural references, making connections to the National Prayer Ministry, and strengthening the desire of every church to be a House of Prayer.
“Worship Workshop”
Michele Johnston
“Children’s Ministry Workshop”
Kayleigh Schumske
Volunteer recruiting, curriculum finding, middle school drama diffusing. Want more out of your Family Ministries? Join us as we discover how to partner with families well.