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This is a required course for LMCs (Local Ministerial Candidates) in the Free Methodist Church.

Class dates are: January 28, March 4, & April 15, 2023

Free Methodist History & Polity
Spring 2023
Saturday, 10am-4pm
In-person sessions at the Genesis Center in N Chili

Instructor: Pam Braman

Required texts:
The Book of Discipline 2019: FMCUSA

Snyder, Howard. (2011). B.T. and Ellen Roberts and the First Free Methodists. Ed. Runyon, Daniel. Indianapolis: Light and Life.

Recommended Resources:

Dayton, Donald. (2014). Rediscovering an Evangelical Heritage: A Tradition and Trajectory of Integrating Piety and Justice. Grand Rapids: Baker Academics.

Henderson, D. Michael. (1997). John Wesley’s Class Meeting: A Model for Making Disciples. Wilmore, KY: Rafiki. Also published as: A Model for Making Disciples: John Wesley’s Class Meeting
McKenna, David. (1997). Future with a History: The Wesleyan Witness of the Free Methodist Church, 1960-1995. Indianapolis: Light and Life. Free download: To purchase:
Marston, Leslie. (2009). From Age to Age a Living Witness: Free Methodism’s First Century. Indianapolis: Light and Life. Free download: To purchase: living-witness-free-methodisms-first-century
Roberts, Benson H. Holiness Teachings: The Life and Work of B. T. Roberts. Free download:
Roberts, B. T. (1992). Ordaining Women. Indianapolis: Light and Life. Free download: To purchase: biblical-and-historical-insights
Synder, Howard. (2006). Populist Saints: B.T. And Ellen Roberts and the First Free Methodists. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. Free download: To purchase: ellen-roberts-and-the-first-free-methodists