Subscribe to the Midweek Memo!

April 18th, 2024|0 Comments

Genesis Conference sends a weekly newsletter, called the Midweek Memo, out to our pastors and church leaders. It includes necessary information from Supt. Pam, the FMC-USA, prayer lists, and any upcoming event information. If

UMC Inquiries

February 20th, 2023|Comments Off on UMC Inquiries

From the Supt:  We've recently had a number of inquiries to the conference office about what it takes (on our end) for a United Methodist Church to become a Free Methodist Church. Below is a

Free Methodist Way Resources

May 19th, 2021|0 Comments

Here is a list of links for all resources related to The Free Methodist Way. Purchase a 25-pack of brochures in ENGLISH here: Purchase a 25-pack of brochures in SPANISH here: Purchase the

Annual Conference 2021

April 21st, 2021|0 Comments

Annual Conference 2021 Due to social distancing requirements, the ordination service on Wednesday, May 12 is by invitation only and will be live-streamed. THEN... We will have separate gatherings on May 13, May 14, OR May 15. May 13: Field

Christmas Resources

November 23rd, 2020|0 Comments

In one of our OneMonth 2020 videos, Field Superintendent Adam Stein shared with us some of his church's ideas for Christmas Eve this year. We are looking to create an online resource for Genesis churches

Hebrews Class Offered

September 11th, 2019|0 Comments

Do you need a New Testament Book Study? Dr. Darin Land is teaching a correspondence course in Hebrews. Candidates have 8 months to complete the work, however, they are also permitted to work at their

News from GC19: Resolutions

July 25th, 2019|0 Comments

From Todd Daningburg, Genesis GC19 Delegation Chair; and Dave Francis, GC19 Delegate General Conference 2019 passed Resolution 302, updating language in Para. 3221 of the Book of Discipline, on the Dignity and Worth of Persons.

Focus On Finance

July 3rd, 2019|0 Comments

Finance in Focus In this season of transitions for some, and travel for others, we wanted to share a few tips relative to employee compensation and reimbursement that might help you as you work with